I am the unnoticed, the unnoticable man:
The man who sat on your right in the morning train:
The man who looked through like a windowpane:
The man who was the colour of the carriage, the colour of the mounting
Morning pipe smoke.
I am the man too busy with a living to live,
Too hurried and worried to see and smell and touch:
The man who is patient too long and obeys too much
And wishes too softly and seldom.

I am the man they call the nation's backbone,
Who am boneless - playable castgut, pliable clay:
The Man they label Little lest one day
I dare to grow.

I am the rails on which the moment passes,
The megaphone for many words and voices:
I am the graph diagram,
Composite face.

I am the led, the easily-fed,
The tool, the not-quite-fool,
The would-be-safe-and-sound,
The uncomplaining, bound,
The dust fine-ground,
Stone-for-a-statue waveworn pebble-round

我是不被注意,也沒甚麼可注意的人 我這人在早班地鐵坐在你的右側
我這人你會像窗玻璃般視若無睹 我這人的顏色和車子以及早晨
我這種人為了活下來而忙碌 因為太忙太憂慮而不敢去看去聞去碰觸
我這種人忍耐太久而服從則太多 對希望則太小也太少。

我這種人他們說是國家的骨幹 其實卻沒有骨頭─如可弄的絃可捏的泥
他們貼上「小」這個標籤以免有一天 我們膽敢長「大」起來。

我是鐵軌讓時間由此駛過 我是別人聲音的麥克風
我只存在於統計圖表裡 一種混合式的臉孔。

我是被牧的羊,很容易餵養 我是工具,有點笨但非太笨
很容易變得溫馴不惹麻煩 我不會有怨言
是灰塵最高興的落點 是海浪磨平稜角的可塑石塊。

Forward by OT 2006/03/08


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